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Download Fungsi Terbilang Excel 2016 untuk Konversi Angka ke Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris

Download Rumus Terbilang Excel 2016: A Guide for Beginners

If you are looking for a way to convert numbers to words in Microsoft Excel, you might want to try Rumus Terbilang Excel. This is a handy add-in that allows you to use a custom function called terbilang to transform any numeric value into its equivalent text in Indonesian or English. In this article, we will show you what Rumus Terbilang Excel is, why you need it, how to download and install it, and how to use it with some examples.

What is Rumus Terbilang Excel?

Rumus Terbilang Excel is an add-in that adds a new function called terbilang to your Excel workbook. This function can convert any number into its corresponding text in Indonesian or English. For example, if you have the number 1000 in cell A1, you can use the formula =terbilang(A1) to get the result "seribu" in Indonesian, or =terbilangeng(A1) to get the result "one thousand" in English.

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Download File:

Rumus Terbilang Excel is not a built-in function in Excel, so you need to download and install it separately from an external source. There are several versions of Rumus Terbilang Excel available online, but we will use the one from Guru Belajarku, which is compatible with Excel 2007, 2010, and 2016.

Why do you need Rumus Terbilang Excel?

Rumus Terbilang Excel can be useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Creating invoices, receipts, or reports that require numbers to be written in words.

  • Checking the spelling or pronunciation of large numbers.

  • Learning or teaching how to say numbers in Indonesian or English.

Rumus Terbilang Excel can save you time and effort by automating the conversion process. You don't have to type or copy and paste the words manually. You can also apply different formats and styles to the output text, such as currency, uppercase, or proper case.

How to download and install Rumus Terbilang Excel?

To download and install Rumus Terbilang Excel, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Disable the security macro in Excel

Before using Rumus Terbilang Excel, you need to disable the security macro in Excel. This is because Rumus Terbilang Excel uses Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, which might be blocked by the default security settings. To disable the security macro, do the following:

  • Click on the File menu and select Options.

  • Click on Trust Center and then click on Trust Center Settings.

  • Click on Macro Settings and then select Enable all macros.

  • Click OK twice to save the changes.

Step 2: Download the add-in file from the internet

Next, you need to download the add-in file from Guru Belajarku. The file name is Komb. Step 2: Download the add-in file from the internet

Next, you need to download the add-in file from Guru Belajarku. The file name is Kombinasi Terbilang.xlam and it is a compressed file that you need to extract first. You can save the file in any folder that you can easily access later. For example, you can save it in your Documents folder.

Step 3: Browse and select the add-in file in Excel

After you have downloaded and extracted the add-in file, you need to browse and select it in Excel. To do this, follow these steps:

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  • Click on the File menu and select Options.

  • Click on Add-Ins and then click on the Go button next to Manage: Excel Add-ins.

  • Click on the Browse button and navigate to the folder where you saved the add-in file.

  • Select the file Kombinasi Terbilang.xlam and click OK.

  • Make sure that the checkbox next to Kombinasi Terbilang is checked and click OK.

Step 4: Check the terbilang option in the add-in window

The last step is to check the terbilang option in the add-in window. This will enable you to use the terbilang function in your workbook. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Add-Ins tab in the ribbon and then click on Kombinasi Terbilang.

  • A window will pop up with several options. Check the box next to terbilang and click OK.

  • You can also change the language of the output text by selecting either Indonesia or English from the drop-down menu.

Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded and installed Rumus Terbilang Excel. Now you can use it in your workbook.

How to use Rumus Terbilang Excel?

To use Rumus Terbilang Excel, you need to understand its syntax and some examples. We will explain them in this section.

The syntax of Rumus Terbilang Excel

The syntax of Rumus Terbilang Excel is as follows:

=terbilang(number, [language], [currency], [case])

The arguments are:

  • number: The number that you want to convert to words. It can be a cell reference, a constant, or a formula that returns a numeric value.

  • [language]: Optional. The language of the output text. It can be either "Indonesia" or "English". If omitted, it will use the default language that you selected in the add-in window.

  • [currency]: Optional. The currency symbol that you want to append to the output text. It can be any text that represents a currency, such as "rupiah", "dollar", or "euro". If omitted, it will not append any currency symbol.

  • [case]: Optional. The case of the output text. It can be either "upper" or "proper". If omitted, it will use the normal case.

The examples of Rumus Terbilang Excel

To illustrate how to use Rumus Terbilang Excel, we will show you some examples with different arguments and outputs. You can also try them yourself in your workbook.

Example 1: Convert a number to words in Indonesian

Number Formula Result --- --- --- 12345 =terbilang(A2) dua belas ribu tiga ratus empat puluh lima 67890 =terbilang(A3) enam puluh tujuh ribu delapan ratus sembilan puluh 1000000 =terbilang(A4) satu juta Example 2: Convert a number to words in English

Number Formula Result --- --- --- 12345 =terbilang(A2,"English") twelve thousand three hundred forty-five 67890 =terbilang(A3,"English") sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety 1000000 =terbilang(A4,"English") one million Example 3: Convert a number to words with currency

Number Formula Result --- --- --- 12345 =terbilang(A2,"Indonesia","rupiah") dua belas Example 3: Convert a number to words with currency

Number Formula Result --- --- --- 12345 =terbilang(A2,"Indonesia","rupiah") dua belas ribu tiga ratus empat puluh lima rupiah 67890 =terbilang(A3,"English","dollar") sixty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety doll


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